"When Was The Last Time You Were Able To Sell A 'Turn Key' Resell Rights Product Straight Off The Shelf Without Major Modification?"

If you want to luxury of selling your own hand-crafted products without having to go through the hassles of creating them yourself, then this will be the most important page you'll ever read.

"I wish I could turn back the clock & not waste any money"

Platinum Resell RightsNever have I been so thankful to be proven completely and totally wrong! Not only is Platinum Resell Rights really a steal considering how expensive its competitors are, but it also beats them hands down in every single aspect. From features, execution, speed, and sheer potential, I wish I could turn back the clock and not waste any money on the other products I bought.

Adeel Chowdhry

"Money In My PayPal Account!"

Thanks for your products! The high impact graphics and professionally design sales page make people want to read instead of skimming! This has lead to lots of sales and money in my paypal account! Thank You! I cannot wait for another product from you! Let me know whenever you release a product with MRR! You get a loyal customer ready to buy!

Thanks again,
Ken Sar.

"The Quality & Professionalism Is Second To None.."

Platinum Resell RightsJust wanted to drop you a line and tell you how amazing your products are. The quality and professionalism in every product is second to none. Not only that, but the video tutorial products with master resell rights are incredible. I'd challenge anyone to find better products anywhere. I'm not only making money, but I'm learning at the same time. And the one on one attention that you provide puts all of those so called "Guru's" to shame. I'm looking forward to working with you for a long time to come.

Thanks, Jason

"What You've Done Here Is Wicked!.."

I've just signed up for your Platinum Resell Rights membership site and think what you've done here is wicked! I'm in the middle of writing an eBook called "Cracking The eBay Code" and I've added a link to Platinum Resell Rights as a promotion. To be honest I think your product's worth it's weight in gold and of course the recurring commission is appealing :)


"Really Is Top Class!.."

Platinum Resell RightsI've been a member of Platinum PLR for a few months and I've been very impressed with the quality of the content that you are proving especially the graphics and the structure of the PLR packages, it really is top class. Keep up the good work and do let me know when you get the niche PLR stuff online.

Andy Lawrence

"In Only 2 Weeks I Was Able To Earn 100$.."

In only two weeks I was able to earn 100$ thanks to the Platinum Resell Rights program. I was amazed of how many informative eBooks I received. I recommend this program to anyone with little experience in internet marketing. This is a easy way to make money online. These products are selling so good because they are of a high quality. Every months there are new products. All you need to do is to advertise. This is a small price to pay for such an opportunity.



"These Products Are Incredible! So Much For So Little!..."

Platinum Resell RightsWords can never describe how impressed I am with your membership! You will never know what you have done for my business by offering so many internet marketing products! Your website is so easy and simple to navigate that anyone from beginner to a seasoned professional will benefit from using this site. These products are incredible! So much for so little! How can you afford to do this?

James M. Vera Owner/President

"I Signed Up About A Month Ago.. I Have Made Around $200.."

I signed up to Platinum Resell Rights about a month ago after reading about it in a magazine. Since then I can say that I have made around $200 thanks entirely to the Platinum Resell Rights program! I have found all of the products that I have read on the program to be of a highest standard and appear extremely professional. I highly recommend the Platinum Resell Rights program to anyone who would like to make some extra money quickly online!


"Money Making Prospects... Lots Of Untapped Potential!.."

Platinum Resell RightsAt first glance the range of opportunities is impressive with pages to click to for additional advice on how to go about reselling. Other pages teach the tools of the marketing trade. This site doesn’t just offer money making prospects. It does provide them for sure, but it also provides great learning resources. This is a good site to visit if you are new to the marketing game and want to understand how the whole thing works; while also undertaking some great money making ventures!

Helga S.

"This Is One Program That I Feel You Can't Go Wrong With."

This is one program that I feel you can't go wrong with. Everything is done for you, which leaves advertising. New products every month are there for you and the products are ones that people want. Once I started advertising, it wasn't long before I generated some income. I think this is a great opportunity that people should be involved with. It just can't get any easier than this.


"Your Products Sell Like The Proverbial Hot Cakes!"

Platinum Resell RightsI just wanted to say how impressed I am with your new membership site. The quality of the graphics and sales copy are just top-notch and stand head and shoulders above anything else I've seen. I sold 12 copies of Press Release For Newbies at $17 on my first promotion! I easily re-coup my monthly membership fee with just a couple of sales because your products really do sell like the proverbial hot cakes! Great job!

Peter Tremayne

"For those who want to sell without sharing their earnings"

I must say that it was very easy to start my own e-business with this website, as I got not only virtual products, but also a lot of useful tools for my sales website. All content had been delivered quickly and without any problems. I had been paying only $27 per month for my subscription, so it was a really competitive price. I can recommend this service because it really earned me much more than I paid for my subscription, so it is probably the best opportunity for those who want to sell virtual products directly without sharing their earnings with affiliate networks.


Tuesday 11th of March
From The Desk Of Alan Wright
RE: Making A Truck-Load Of Cash Online Selling Digital Products!

You and I, we both know that you've come to this page for one reason - to make REAL money online.

No doubt you've tried a few things in the past that didn't work out. Maybe you've even dabbled in some online venture and made a little on the side... but what you're about to see here can REALLY change your life and how you'll live the rest of your life day to day!

A bold statement perhaps?... Yes, but I truly believe it IS possible because I've already done it. I'm not here to dress anything up, nor am I here to convince you that making money online MIGHT be possible... You already know that IT IS possible - and I'm here to show you HOW it's done.

Platinum Resell Rights


People do it with property, they do it with foreign currency, they even do it with businesses. Buying and selling i.e. trading is one of the fastest ways of making money period! If people are buying and selling in the offline world successfully, why not adopt this mentality in the online world as well?

With digital products you're INSTANTLY in a better position because you can deliver instantly and distribute your product to the masses without ever having to lift a finger! You can AUTOMATE traffic, you can AUTOMATE digital delivery, you can AUTOMATE the entire system! An AUTOMATED system = AUTOMATED income!

And if you're still wondering whether or not the resell rights niche is worth getting into...

Platinum Resell Rights

Platinum Resell Rights You're instantly marketing in the profitable 'make money' niche - Yes there are many other marketers in this niche too, but there are many more buyers than sellers and many sub-niches within this market with room for lots more!
Platinum Resell Rights You're ready to collect buyers to your list! - You need someone to sell to right? What better way than to have your own squeeze page ready to suck in new subscribers who are willing to follow your every word!
Platinum Resell Rights You're instantly selling your own products without creating them - Yes! You are going to be provided with your own products that you can resell as your own without the hassles of researching the market, or going into the intricacies of product creation. I take care of that.
Platinum Resell Rights You're already set up! - Talk about speed! Everything is done for you so that you're ready to start making money. Simply edit the page with your payment button and upload it to your website.
Platinum Resell Rights You're ready to promote! - You don't even have to think about writing a single sentence when you're promoting to your list because that's done for you too! Simply copy and paste the pre-written email into your autoresponder or broadcast it to your list!
Platinum Resell Rights You're on top of the competition! - Just because there are other marketers in the same niche as you doesn't mean they'll be successful. In fact most give up ready to make way for another wave of beginners who will also throw in the towel. But because you're already equip with your own high quality products you'll be DOMINATING your end of the market.


Platinum Resell Rights

The resell rights business model works simply because YOU are able to start selling a quality product immediately to your potential customers without having to go through the hassles of product creation yourself. Think of it as a dropshipping service, but without the stock inventory or physical delivery!

If you're a master reseller you're in the best possible position - not only can you sell to the end user, but now you can sell to other marketers as well, so they too can sell to their potential customers!

Heard enough?...

Platinum Resell Rights

Now's your chance to get your hands on a 2 high-end resell rights product EVERY SINGLE MONTH. This will be yours to sell as your own so that you can keep 100% of the profits and resell it as many times as you want to your own internet marketing niche list.

I will be your 'manufacturer' and you will be the middle guy that customers have to go to in order to get what they want. You will be buying cheap and selling high in the digital world for low-risk high-profit margins!

Not only will you be able to keep up with the demands from your customers and subscriber list, but more importantly, you will now be able to sustain and secure your cash flow.

I will provide you with everything you need to get up and running including the sales page, the graphics set, the videos and even the Email copy so that you can flip them and profit from them every single month!

You're not limited to how many times you can sell these products either!.. Each product is your to keep, yours to sell for life! This is a chance for you to build up your virtual real estate and build a powerful network of money websites! Can you imagine looking back say 5 years from now and saying, 'Ah yes, I set this up 5 years ago and it's still selling!'

So, are you ready to see the goods? After all, the reseller is only as good as the manufacturer so that's why I want you to check out the quality of our products..

Platinum Resell Rights

Instant Business #1 - "Affiliate Blogging Secrets"
With Resell Rights!

(scheduled for release during your second week of being a member!)

You can use this product to sell the anyone who wants to learn how to start their own membership site. This is a hot topic itself and will sell straight away especially with the elite graphics pack and professional sales letter!

Preview A Sample Of Your Video Product
(this is a small sample of what you'll be selling to your customers - no need to record your own tutorials!)

Preview Your Sales Page And Presentation
(this is what your customers will see and is how you'll convince your visitors to buy your product!)


Preview Your Download Page
(this is where you'll send your customers after they've paid you - we've even linked everything up for you!)


Preview Your Affiliate Sales Letter
(yes that's right - we've even done a sales letter to convince your customers and affiliates
to promote your product and we've integrated it with 1-click copy-paste resources!)


Preview Your Cleanly Formatted 'Copy Paste' Broadcast Email
(this is what you'll be sending out to your subscribers to pre-sell and educate them before they see your offer!)


Preview Your Banner And Graphics Resources
(this is what your customers and affiliates will see so they can use them on their websites to promote your product!)

Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights


Instant Business #2 - "Conversion Profit" With
Master Resell Rights!

(scheduled for release during your second week of being a member!)

You can use this product to sell the anyone who wants to learn how to start their own membership site. This is a hot topic itself and will sell straight away especially with the elite graphics pack and professional sales letter!

Preview A Sample Of Your Video Product
(this is a small sample of what you'll be selling to your customers - no need to record your own tutorials!)

Preview Your Sales Page And Presentation
(this is what your customers will see and is how you'll convince your visitors to buy your product!)


Preview Your Download Page
(this is where you'll send your customers after they've paid you - we've even linked everything up for you!)


Preview Your Affiliate Sales Letter
(yes that's right - we've even done a sales letter to convince your customers and affiliates
to promote your product and we've integrated it with 1-click copy-paste resources!)


Preview Your Cleanly Formatted 'Copy Paste' Broadcast Email
(this is what you'll be sending out to your subscribers to pre-sell and educate them before they see your offer!)


Preview Your Banner And Graphics Resources
(this is what your customers and affiliates will see so they can use them on their websites to promote your product!)

Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights


Instant Business #3 - "eCoaching Success"
With Master Resell Rights!

(scheduled for release during your third week of being a member!)

You can use this product to sell the anyone who wants to learn how to start their own membership site. This is a hot topic itself and will sell straight away especially with the elite graphics pack and professional sales letter!

Preview A Sample Of Your Video Product
(this is a small sample of what you'll be selling to your customers - no need to record your own tutorials!)

Preview Your Sales Page And Presentation
(this is what your customers will see and is how you'll convince your visitors to buy your product!)


Preview Your Download Page
(this is where you'll send your customers after they've paid you - we've even linked everything up for you!)


Preview Your Affiliate Sales Letter
(yes that's right - we've even done a sales letter to convince your customers and affiliates
to promote your product and we've integrated it with 1-click copy-paste resources!)


Preview Your Cleanly Formatted 'Copy Paste' Broadcast Email
(this is what you'll be sending out to your subscribers to pre-sell and educate them before they see your offer!)


Preview Your Banner And Graphics Resources
(this is what your customers and affiliates will see so they can use them on their websites to promote your product!)

Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights


Instant Business #4 - "Facebook Profits"
With Master Resell Rights!

(scheduled for release during your third week of being a member!)

You can use this product to sell the anyone who wants to learn how to start their own membership site. This is a hot topic itself and will sell straight away especially with the elite graphics pack and professional sales letter!

Preview A Sample Of Your Video Product
(this is a small sample of what you'll be selling to your customers - no need to record your own tutorials!)

Preview Your Sales Page And Presentation
(this is what your customers will see and is how you'll convince your visitors to buy your product!)


Preview Your Download Page
(this is where you'll send your customers after they've paid you - we've even linked everything up for you!)


Preview Your Affiliate Sales Letter
(yes that's right - we've even done a sales letter to convince your customers and affiliates
to promote your product and we've integrated it with 1-click copy-paste resources!)


Preview Your Cleanly Formatted 'Copy Paste' Broadcast Email
(this is what you'll be sending out to your subscribers to pre-sell and educate them before they see your offer!)


Preview Your Banner And Graphics Resources
(this is what your customers and affiliates will see so they can use them on their websites to promote your product!)

Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights
Platinum Resell Rights


See what else we have coming to you
in the upcoming months!

...plus many many more profitable products just like this!



"I'm Really Blown Away From What You're Providing!.."

Dave Lovelace.




Platinum Resell Rights

Platinum Resell Rights


Platinum Resell Rights

tickProfessional Sales Page! - complete with mini-site graphics, professionally written sales copy and a well presented product package. Simply replace with your name, your own price and your own payment button and you're good to go!
tickLinked-Up Download Page! - complete with download links for the entire video set and individual links to watch online to cater for your customers!
tickEmail Broadcasts! - complete with persuasive, pre-selling, pre-formatted plain text for a copy and paste solution. Just replace with your name and link to your website and let your subscribers know!
tickAuto-Responder Series! - squeeze every last bit of profit from your visitors as possible and turn tyre-kickers into red hot hyper-active buyers! Simply replace your auto-responder with your name and website link and plug into your auto-responder series for an instant eCourse!
tickVideo Series In Flash Format - deliver what you promise and teach your customers tips, tricks and tactics that they never knew! Become an instant expert in whatever you sell to build your online status, presence and income!
tickProfessional Affiliate Page! - make more sales than the initial customer sale! Use the affiliate page as a foundation for creating your own affiliate program. Allow your affiliates and customers to promote your product and personalize all their resources within seconds! Fully compatible with all 3rd party affiliate programs!
tick1-Click Copy Code For Affiliates! - selecting, copying and pasting snippets of code is no fun for affiliates. Your 1-click copy button encourages your affiliates to work faster and to become more motivated selling for you!
tickAnimated Banners And Graphics Pack! - it's no surprise that the more resources you provide for your affiliates, the more ways people can find your site and the more traffic you'll get. You'll get access to animated banners and promotional graphics which are also integrated into your affiliate page!
tickIntegrated Tell-A-Friend Script! - this script alone costs $97 but is integrated into your affiliate page for free! The tell-a-friend form allows your affiliates and customers to spread their links bringing in more sales for you!
tickContent Protection! - Every download page is hidden from the search engines and will not get indexed or spidered. Even if someone happens to be snooping around your videos directory, they will be automatically sent back to your sales page. That last thing you want is lost sales!
tickText-layered PSD Files! You'll be able to rename, edit and rebrand your product to match your domain and marketing style. Simply open with Photoshop or GIMP (free) and edit the text layers, save and slice and you've instantly got a new product!

These products will sell for at least $27 a copy! This is yours to sell and you keep everything you make! No need to start from scratch, no need to hire someone to create the content for you, no need to hire a graphic designer, no need to write your own Emails! It's all done for you!

To outsource 1 of these minisites yourself you'd have to hire a video creator at a rate of $97 per video ($582 for a typical 6-part series), a graphic designer at $497 for the minisite graphics and banners, $60 for your copy writer autoresponder fees at $10 per autoresponder, $197 for the sales page copy and another $397 for a programmer to put together a sophisticated affiliate page with affiliate ID personalization, tell-a-friend script and one-click copy of all your promotional materials for your affiliates. Total this up and you'll be looking at $1733! ..And that's just for 1 complete website!

If you attempt to create websites to this standard yourself, then you'll be looking at 3-4 days of work - just for 1 site - and that's if you've done this all before! If you're new to this, you would have thrown in the towel by now!

A total monthly value of $3466 (2x$1733)!


Platinum Resell Rights
Join Today And Receive A Hand-Selection Of Lead-Sucking Squeeze Pages, Mind Maps, Blueprints And Bonus Products To Kick-Start Your Business!

And if that wasn't enough, I'm going to sweeten the deal for you!...

You're already getting two monthly high-end ready-made businesses-in-a-box and two monthly bonus give-away products for list-building and relationship building, which alone is worth A LOT more than the membership fee.

However where would you be if you didn't have the right training and tools to help you get started TODAY? The bonus package was built especially for you so you can start building you list, send traffic to it and apply the tried, tested and refined techniques that I've been using for years!


Added Bonus #1! - Internet Marketing, Finance & Self Management Reports Both With Give-Away & Master Resell Rights!

If that wasn't enough, you'll be pleased to know that we've now added two additional compiled reports that you can a) sell, b) give-away in exchange for a sign-up, or c) give-away as a free gift to your subscribers so they trust you!

Not only will you be able to generate income from selling the reports themselves, but you'll be able to finally CONNECT with your subscribers!

We've included a 'free gift' page especially so you can Email your list on a bi-weekly basis and allow them to download a free and informative report to help them with their business and mindset! Not only will they thank you for it, but they'll be willing to listen to you, become more responsive to your emails and BUY what you have to offer.

Even if you don't have a large enough list, you can start off by using these reports as lead generators.

Having one squeeze page and a free gift to give away is good, but having ten is better. With Platinum Resell Rights you'll be getting two of these babies a month without even having to lift a finger!

How much time would you save creating 'free' products from scratch? How much time would you save setting up a mini-site and writing sales copy just to get an opt-in?

The value of these mini-sites are worth the cost of this membership alone!

Added Bonus #2! - Resell Rights Blueprint And Intensive Traffic Training Course Now Included!

Platinum Resell RightsOnce you're inside the member's area you can get straight to it and put your first product up for sale within minutes!

Our quick start guide will show you only the things you need to know from what files to upload, which to edit, how to create your PayPal button code and where to place it!

Not only that but you'll also get access the blueprints which I use to create residual income for life!

This is a solid business model which can be replicated by anyone including YOU. There's a very good reason why you receive your own squeeze page and autoresponders and this blueprint below will gel everything together.

Very few really understand how to streamline their efforts the way I'm going to show you now. Once you've understood the concept and the bigger picture you'll be itching to get started!

Make sure you soak up this valuable information before getting started. This may very well change the way you perceive your products and how you go about your business!

Components of these blueprints are sold separately on our other sites however you'll receive this absolutely free as part of your membership!


A value of $197!


Added Bonus #3! - High Converting Niche Squeeze Pages to Build Multiple Lists!

I'm sure you've heard how important it is to build your mailing list?...

But how about build multiple mailing lists targeted to cater to the needs of your subscribers?

With these powerful and unqiue lead-sucking squeeze pages you'll will not have any trouble getting opt-ins because they have been carefully configured for high conversions!

Customize these templates how you like, use them as part of your sales funnel, place a one-time offer behind them plus so much more!

Finally see an end to high unsubscribe rates and spam complaints. These templates alone will do the job right!






Platinum Resell Rights

With an internet marketing-related subscriber list of your own you can REALLY benefit from the products I'll be supplying to you every month. Even if you haven't got one yet, I will help you build one fast with your very own high converting squeeze page that I use myself!

I'll alert you when your new product is ready and all you have to do is log into your members area with your own secure username and password and download your new resell rights product.

Simply place your order button on the sales page, upload back to your server and then broadcast the pre-written email to your list and add it into your autoresonder. Easy!

Before you know it you'll have a massive network of money sites working for you and you hardly had to do any work!

Platinum Resell Rights


Platinum Resell Rights

Third Party Memberships

Quality of products

Products are of the highest standard currently available for resell rights products. Other memberships do not go into the same level of detail and will require you to do some editing before selling.

Number of products

We provide you with 2 new products every month. This give you time to work on other areas of your business and plan a strategic method of promotion. Other memberships may provide more products but will often sacrifice quality for quantity and buy from other membership sites, leaving you with unwanted products.


Platinum products are 99% complete and ready for uploading. Simply replace with your name, Email and payment button and you're good to go. Other memberships will require you to make edits to the sales page, may include broken or 'dummy' download links and will take up your time which can be used on making money.

Affiliate page

Each product comes with it's own affiliate page and promotional material such as emails, banners, graphics and more to ensure your affiliates succeed and bring in more sales for you. Other memberships neglect the affiliate page or just provide you with a base template. You are still required to add your own promotional content yourself.


Platinum products come equip with an Email broadcast and 5-part newsletter for an instant eCourse. This will convert interested prospects into buyers. Each message is formatted 40 characters across for clean, professional-looking Emails. Other memberships do not include auto-responders and will require you to come up with your own.


We provide 5 sets of animated banners for each product in standard sizes - 160x600, 120x600, 250x250, 125x125, 468x60 as well as an assortment of graphics. These will help you promote your own product and empower your affiliates! Other memberships do not include animated banners with their products and will require you to either outsource them or create your own, or do without.

Tell-a-friend script

Our programming experts have manage to integrate the 'tell-a-friend' script into your affiliate page giving your affiliates more control over how they promote and to whom, which in turn leads to more sales for you. Other memberships do not include this script which severely cripples your affiliate program.

Desire of products

Platinum products are created for in-demand markets. We do not produce products that people will not buy. Other memberships may create in-demand products too, but leave you to complete their basic sales page, or to 'tidy-up' the product.


Platinum products provide you with the highest profit margins. Because we pay attention to the details and focus creating each product through to completion you will not experience a bad sales day! Other memberships will require you to take more action. Whilst you can promote more products at a lower price, you will not receive the same response as with Platinum products.


Platinum Resell Rights justifies it's price by providing at least $3466 worth of content to the table. The monthly fee is negligible in comparison. Other memberships may justify their price with more content, however it is the same content that has usually been passed around other membership sites and quickly devalues.


Platinum Resell Rights

Is this really true? Can I take your work an legally sell them as many times as I want? I haven't seen anyone else providing this service.. what's the catch? There's no catch. I've been online long enough to know how the system works and I know that there's an open market for video training products, tutorials, and eBook guides in the internet marketing niche. This membership was put together for those who know that creating your own products is profitable but also want an all-in-one solution with all the heavy lifting done.
If these products are so good, why are you sharing them? Won't you be creating competition for yourself and others?

The internet does not work like that. You could have 100 people selling the same product but 100,000 potential customers looking for a solution to their problems which you'll happen to have. It all depends on where you source your traffic.

As you'll learn in the members area you could source your traffic from articles, from friend referrals, from ad-swaps, pay-per-click, forums, even from the offline world. If I sell the same product to my list for example, it will not affect your sales in any manner.

Okay, this sounds like a good plan, but what do I need before I join? What are the minimum requirements?

You will need a web hosting account, a domain name, and an auto-responder and the ability to transfer files to your server and the ability to make your own PayPal buttons. Don't worry, the training inside the members area will show you how to do this.

You will not need programming skills, copy-writing skills or graphic design skills for that matter. Each package is set up and ready for you to upload so you can concentrate on the fun part - promoting and selling!

I haven't got a list at the moment, can I still make money?

Yes! Whilst it is highly recommended for you to start building a double opt-in mailing list, it is not a necessity. As mentioned before there are many ways to bring traffic to your website where your resell rights product will be sold.

However for a long-lasting and residual income I highly recommend you start building your list as soon as possible so that you can start promoting on a regular basis and guarantee an income for yourself month after month.

Read through our members training section, you'll understand why building a list first and promoting after is a more strategic way of marketing.

You mention that there's an affiliate page and resources with each product, but I've never set one up before, is it easy to install?

I've created the affiliate page so that your affiliate can enter his or her affiliate link into the text field and update all the resources with his or her link. By doing this you'll be able to set up an affiliate program with any third party program such as ClickBank, PayDotCom or any other merchant.

Setting up an affiliate program is a straight forward process and help is available whenever needed.

I want to use a different payment processor, can I use ClickBank, JVZoo, PayDotCom or 1ShoppingCart or 2CheckOut?

Yes! You can set up a payment button with any payment processor you like. You do not have to use PayPal however we do provide step-by-step instructions on setting up a PayPal button inside the members area.

If you would like to use other payment processors, please refer to the help and support on their respective websites.

What if I get a question from my customer regarding the product?

Rarely will you get a question from a customer regarding the product because the products you'll be selling are very thorough and explain everything in detail. Any questions are usually a quick Email saying that they've lost the download link to your product which can be easily answered.

If you receive a question which you feel you cannot answer, shoot me an Email and I'll respond with an appropriate reply to forward to your customer.

How often do I get new products and when are new ones added? You'll receive 2 resell rights products (plus any extra bonuses stated above) every month starting from the day you join. You will be able to log in and the products will be added into your account.
Do I need a lot of hard drive and web hosting space to store these products?

You'll need 100MB-800MB of hard drive space with each product. This is because we've zipped up a backup copy in the package so your customer can watch the videos individually online or download all of them in one go from your server.

We will be providing a file server hosting solution soon so you'll only have to upload your website to keep everything 'light'.

I've seen other membership sites providing resell rights products, but what makes yours different?

Whilst there are many other resell rights memberships available online and copycat websites you'll find that the quality of each product does not even come close to the quality and completeness of the products you'll receive.

It doesn't matter if they provide 100s of resell rights products every month or more, if they don't sell YOU won't make money. Rest assured that our products have been designed to earn you money as soon as you brand it with your name and order link!

I want to start my own membership, will I be able to add these products in there too?

To protect out service we limit what can and what can't be added into membership sites. As mentioned above, there are many copycat membership websites that do not produce their own content and devalue products instantly.

Any products that can be added to membership sites will be clearly stated in the license agreement for that product.

Are there any rules with the products that I sell?

Yes! Each product will come with their own individual license. This clarifies what one can and can't do with the product, the price point to sell at, what rights your customers have (if any) and where you can sell them.

The license is there to protect you as a member, your products and this service.

What if I want to cancel my subscription? You can cancel your subscription at any time from within your PayPal account. Alternatively you can always contact our support desk and we'll do it for you.
How much can I expect to make each month when I start using and selling these products?

As with most 'opportunities' online, they only blossom once you have a plan in place and follow through with real action. If you think that just joining the membership, downloading these ready-made products to your computer and letting them sit on your desktop will earn you money, you're not going to get far.

Okay let me give you some numbers. Using email marketing, expect to see a 10% conversion for every click on your Email. So for example, if you have 10,000 people on your mailing list, and 1,000 of them read your promotional Email and click the link, 100 sales will come through at $27 per sale. That's $2,700. Not bad for a $27 monthly investment and 5 minutes work right?

I like the look these products. What about the previous products?.. Will I have a chance to get those too?

Yes! You're not the first to ask but we had to think this through carefully. If we provided access to all the previous products and never removed them, anyone can just subscribe once, download 12 months of work and then leave which wouldn't be fair on loyal members.

To discourage such activity, we update and replace the 2 new products every month. This way, paying members get access to the products they've paid for.

However if you're interested in the previous products, there will be an opportunity to grab them all in one go or purchase them separately in the archive section.

Okay sounds good, how do I get started? Click here to jump to the order form and create your account. You'll get instant access to your products, the bonus mini-sites, squeeze pages, blueprints and training videos!

The maths is simple... each resell rights product I create will have a suggested selling price of $27. If you sell one copy, you've made back your investment. Even if you sold 3 copies for $10, you're in the green!

In fact I'm so confident that you WILL make money with every single product I give out that I'm backing this up with 3 solid no-hassle guarantees!

Platinum Resell Rights

It really doesn't get any better than this. This is a truly lazy way to make money online. The only thing you've got to focus on is building your list, which again I'll help you out with by providing you with a powerful squeeze pages and a full mind map of the resell rights blueprint!

All I ask is if you're happy with everything and can see the value in what you're getting, read the form below, read through the form and sign-up today!...

Platinum Resell Rights
tick YES! I want my membership access to Platinum Resell Rights! I'm ready to start making REAL money online just like the other members are by selling decent high quality video training products that other online entrepreneurs want!

YES! I understand that I'll receive 2 Platinum Resell Rights video products EVERY MONTH (plus the bonuses) worth well over $3,466 which I can sell as many times as I want for UNLIMITED profit! I WILL NOT have to pay any royalty fees, and everything I make, I keep.

tick YES! I understand that I'm also getting quality squeeze pages, bonus resell rights products and a free subscription to the weekly Platinum newsletter that contains your experience and personal insights into building a successful resell rights business online. With this alone I'm getting the BEST training possible to make the most out of my products!
tick YES! I understand that I'll give INSTANT ACCESS immediately after payment so I don't have to wait around! I'll be able to create my own username and password, and I simply log into the secure members area, download and start making money!
tick YES! I also understand that if I like what I see already, I'll have the option to invest in your previous Platinum products in one bulk when I log in for the first time so I can get a head start!
tick YES! I also understand that I'll be able to lock in the lower rate $1 trial instead of the standard $97 fee - so I'm going to act quick!
tick YES! I fully understand that I'm backed by a generous 60 day guarantee which will give me more than enough time to REALLY test the system to see how it works. If I'm not happy with what I've got, or fail to make a single cent, even after receiving personal one-on-one support from you or your staff, I can cancel my account and asked for a full and prompt refund! On that basis, count me in!

Get Started Today For A 7-Day $1 Trial!

Then if you like everything, remain a member at the lower rate of $47 $27 a month!

Make as much money as you want with these products or if you feel it's not right for you, simply cancel at any time you want by forwarding your transaction number to us!

Platinum Resell Rights


P.S. There really is no risk! Test drive Platinum Resell Rights for the first 7 days for only $1! Make a reminder and a date of when you first joined and 7 days have passed decide then if you want to download the next high end resell rights product or cancel your membership. If you want to cancel you still get to keep your first week's products free!

P.P.S. They just don't make products like this anymore! You're getting the BEST straight from the source. This is the ONLY PLACE ONLINE where you'll get so much quality for such a modest investment with absolutely no risk! Remember, no one else will own the products you're about to get... only your fellow members! Get signed up now and I'll see you in the members area!


Members Login Here


We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success nor is this a guarantee of ways to make money online. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. Solo Ad Wizard is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any Solo Ad Wizard product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by Solo Ad Wizard in the materials on this Web page.